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We are a non-profit organisation:
Initiative SIV Schienen Individual Verkehr gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Aim of the company:
The company pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the ‘tax-privileged purposes’ section of the German Tax Ordinance. The purpose of the company is to promote nature conservation, environmental protection, climate protection, local beautification and accident prevention. The statutory purpose is realised through globally possible transport solutions, including climate-neutral, accident-free, barrier-free and individual transport with car-free, humane roads, with a borderless ticket system, with fast goods trains for more trucks on the railways and ecological industrial estates. With political campaigns, lobbying and work as an NGO and iNGO, the solutions are to be publicised worldwide and their implementation supported worldwide with consultations and lectures. The company is a non-profit organisation; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. The organisation's funds may only be used for the purposes set out in the articles of association.
Overhead lines for ships, first tests in 1893
The Cabin Taxi 1970 - 1981 in Hagen a test installation
There is Earth Overshoot Day, or the overload day, by which the resources of a year are used up. But it is recalculated every year, so on 1 January everything is back to zero, but is that right?
Of course not.
We have been using too much since 1970, 2 days in 1970, 151 days in 2023, 5,108 days in total so far, so today we are using the resources from July 2037.
One way of taking a different approach and reviewing it on an ongoing basis would be to save 3 days each year (which is of course very few), i.e. to move the overload day to the end of the year
each year.
This would take us about 127 years.
One more note on this topic:
We had 30 fewer overload days in 2020 than in 2019 due to the global lockdown with much less air traffic, car traffic, working from home and far fewer holiday trips.
However, we had the same figure again in 2021 as in 2019 and one day more in 2022. If we are honest, it is now in our hands to reduce the number of overload days.
Our planet has limits in terms of air pollution, biodiversity, the extent of climate change and other areas. Limits that must be observed in order to preserve the basis of human life. The concept of planetary boundaries defines these guard rails. It now encompasses ten dimensions that are crucial to the health and viability of our human civilisation.
We have now passed 7 of the 10 tipping points.
The average value of all tipping points is
175 %, i.e. exceeded.
A calculation from part of a new industrial estate. Only 35 trees were calculated. The diameter and the crown diameter were specified. The costs and replacement planting are calculated from this
and the data from the two links.
35 trees with a total of
6,104 years of life cost
9.1 million EUR required
122,083 replacement trees on
180 ha planting area
When valuing new building land, the value of nature must therefore be assessed accordingly and included in the calculation. Here are important values for these calculations:
Value of the tree,
Performance of the tree,
leaf area and number of leaves.
The value of the soil could not yet be determined.
Excerpt: Therefore, plant the oak in a place where there is no other tall tree or shade from houses within a radius of at least 15 metres. Young trees can be planted in spring or autumn. Loosen the soil in the planting hole thoroughly.
Our topsoil is important and also finite. The Federal Environment Agency shows us why:
The finite topsoil:
‘It can take between 100 and 300 years for a one-centimetre-thick layer of humus-rich soil to develop - but it can be lost to erosion in a single heavy thunderstorm.’
38 trillion dollars in damage per year: the global economy has already committed to a 19% loss of income due to climate change.
In 25 years it will be 1,000 billion dollars.
Das Video zu Vortrag:
Die globalen Staatsschulden belaufen sich z.Zt. auf ca. 100 Billionen Dollar.
Die Schulden incl. der Privathaushalte und der Unternehmen belaufen sich auf ca. 282 Billionen Dollar in 2020.
Current monetary policy is based on assumptions that were developed in a world without a climate crisis and scarcity of resources. A fundamental rethink is necessary in order to create ecologically and socially sustainable societies in the long term. This means that we need to rethink our relationship to money, growth and debt in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
The sums shown here are unimaginable, but unfortunately they will probably come true.
In 2050, we will be around 9.7 billion people with a debt of 2 quadrillion dollars.
In Germany, public debt will have doubled from EUR 1.2 trillion in 2000 to EUR 2.4 trillion by 2023.
JM 11.02.2025
We've all been on board the Titanic since about 1970.
About 20 years ago, we rammed the iceberg – the climate problem has long been a reality.
But instead of acting decisively, we argue about who should pay the bill for the food.
Shouldn't we finally start repairing or at least containing the damage?
If we don't manage to do that, the bills will be superfluous,
because there will be no one who can pay them.
We have now bought a new ship, the Exodus from 1947 and
have expanded it for 2 billion climate refugees.
If you find any errors, we are grateful for any advice.